60 Seconds of Selah
60 Seconds of Selah
The word selah is found 71 times in the Old
Testament, mainly in the Psalms. Some
think it is a musical term referring to a
musical interlude or a break in the music.
The Amplified Bible translates it as:
[pause and calmly think of that]. That‘s how
I am using it here. These short devotions
take about a minute to read. Tap on a title
Unconditional Love
But God demonstrates His own love
toward us, in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
The word “unconditional” is defined
as “not subject to conditions”. This is the
kind of love that God has for all people.
They may not know it. They may never
appreciate it or take advantage of it. But
He passionately loves every one of them
with an unconditional love. He
demonstrated this love for us while we
were still sinners. In other words, He
didn’t wait for us to fulfill any conditions
whatsoever! He simply acted upon His
awesomely great love and sent Jesus to
die in our place to save us from our sins!
The fact that His love is unconditional
doesn’t mean that everyone is
experiencing it – but it does mean that it
is available and waiting for them. To
receive and experience this love there is a
condition – one simple condition – a
condition that every humble heart can
fulfill. That condition is simply to believe
in His Son Jesus Christ. The moment we
open our hearts to Him in faith, He pours
out His love into our hearts.
This is what every human being on
earth is longing for and sadly what too
few of them have ever heard about.
Some Christians who have experienced
this unconditional love now heap
conditions onto it for others who are so
deeply in need of it. They say, “Live right,
stop sinning, be good and maybe God
will love you too. If you don’t He’ll send
you straight to hell!” Friends, that is not
the good news we are called to preach to
the whole world. The good news is that
God doesn’t want to send even one soul
to hell. He doesn’t take pleasure in the
death of the sinner. He loves them all
and He has made a way for them to
escape that fate. Salvation is by grace
through faith. It is not of works and
therefore no one can claim to have been
good enough! Everyone who calls upon
the name of the Lord will be saved! Put
your trust in Him and you will never be
Hope doesn't disappoint us, because
the love of God has been poured out in
our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was
given to us. Romans 5:5 If you haven’t
already, open your heart to Jesus today.
And if you’re already saved, tell others
about how God’s unconditional love
saved you! ~fjl Back
Put the Blame on Me
But He was wounded for our
transgressions, He was bruised for our
guilt and iniquities; the chastisement
[needful to obtain] peace and well-being
for us was upon Him, and with the stripes
[that wounded] Him we are healed and
made whole. (Isaiah 53:5 AMP)
Some people blame God for
everything. They blame Him for sickness,
famine, natural disasters and so on but
the true, original source of these things
was Adam’s sin. Death and everything
that causes it came into this world
through the sin of Adam and is
perpetuated in many cases by the sins of
those who came after him. God on the
other hand, never sinned nor caused
anyone to sin. Therefore He is not to
blame for any of it!
But He IS responsible for all of it.
There is a subtle difference between
blame and responsibility. Blame is based
upon the guilt of offences that one has
personally committed. Responsibility is
based more upon position and authority.
God never sinned but He did create those
who eventually did. Therefore, He is
responsible for every sin and every
horrible thing spawned by it. In other
words, if He hadn’t pushed the “start
button” none of this would have ever
happened. In fact, we wouldn't be here
and I wouldn't be writing this. Therefore,
He is responsible - but He is certainly not
to blame.
Now, since God IS responsible - as
well as being SO BIG and SO LOVING and
- He took the full responsibility and all the
blame for sin and every sinful deed. He
carried the burden and bore each curse
generated by our sin. When Jesus died
on the cross, God was saying, “Put the
blame on Me! I’ll take care of that for
you.” If you want to blame God, you came
too late! He already took the blame and
the full responsibility for everything that
Adam and you and I and everyone else
ever did or will do. Instead of blaming
God, let’s give heartfelt thanks to the One
Who took our guilt and shame and in its
place gave us life and that more
abundantly. ~fjl Back
The Most Intelligent Solution Ever!
God made Him who had no sin to be
sin for us, so that in Him we might
become the righteousness of God. (2
Corinthians 5:21)
The gospel is the most amazing and
intelligent solution to the core problem of
humanity. No human being could have
ever thought it up. There are no holes,
gaps or unanswered questions left in the
perfect flow of God’s redemption plan. All
religions leave us unsure, ignorant and
condemned. They give the knowledge of
sin but no realistic way to escape its
consequences. In one way or another
they are all based upon a good works
versus bad works philosophy which
means that even the most faithful of
their adherents are completely doomed.
To stand righteous before God does not
mean to do a pretty good job of things
but rather to be spotless, blameless and
fully just. This is what the Gospel
generously grants us when we believe.
We are made righteous by the One and
in the One Who was made sin for us.
In reality, many have never heard the
Gospel. They have heard a form of
Christian religion that, in many ways,
leaves them feeling just as unsure and
condemned as the adherents of the
demon inspired religions of the world.
What a travesty. Here’s the good news in
a few short sentences. All people are
both guilty of sin and sinners by nature.
Sin demands punishment and sinners
cannot stand before God. Jesus took the
punishment we deserved in full and
freely granted us a righteous standing
before God based upon our faith as well
as the very righteous nature of God
through the new birth. This is reason that
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to get to the
Father. He did what no one else ever did.
No one else even offered to do what He
did. He died the death that we deserved
and granted us every blessing that we
didn’t deserve by grace through faith.
When you come to God, lay down your
best efforts and come resting solely in
the victory of our Champion Jesus Christ.
He paid it all. That's the Gospel and that's
the most intelligent solution ever to
humanity's problem. ~ fjl Back
When You Come to an “And”
For all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God, and all are justified
freely by his grace through the
redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:23-24
Concerning Scripture reading, one of
my heroes of the faith used to say, “Never
stop reading when you come to the word
‘and’.” Here is a classic example of why
that’s so important. Many people – saved
and unsaved alike – have heard the
phrase “All have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God” but far fewer have
heard what comes next. Instead of this
verse being used to bless people, it has
often been used to beat them over the
head and condemn them. How sad!
While it is absolutely true that we have
all sinned, it is also absolutely true that
Jesus Christ paid the price for all of our
sins, took the punishment we deserved
and justified us freely by His grace. That’s
exactly why He came!
He didn’t come to start a new
religion of rules and regulations. He
didn’t come to add to the pressures and
burdens that we all experience in this
broken, sin-filled world. He didn’t come
to condemn us or make us feel ashamed
of ourselves. He came to liberate us from
sin and release us from the demands of
legalistic religion. He came to lift the
heavy loads and remove the burdens
that we were carrying. He came to justify
us, to free us from condemnation and to
completely restore our dignity as sons
and daughters of God. How did He do it,
you ask? He took our place and became
what we were. He, Who knew no sin
became sin for us and paid its horrible
price. He died the death that we had
earned. He paid the penalty that we
owed and bore the curse that we
deserved. He did this for you and for me
and for all people for all times. This is the
good news of the gospel. This is the
central truth that every Christian should
know and share with others. There are
more truths that we will learn as we go
on with God but each and every one of
them is inseparably tied to this one. After
the ‘and’ is the good news of God’s
amazing grace. So never stop reading
when you come to the word ‘and’. If you
do, you might miss out on the very truth
that will set you free. ~ fjl Back